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Acorns Investing App

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Acorns Investing App

Offered by Acorns
Setup your Acorn account & claim your $20 bonus investment
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  • Description
  • Benefits
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Save, invest and learn from one easy app

Automatically save and invest with Round-Ups® feature

Every purchase you make means an opportunity to invest your spare change! So coffee for $3.25 becomes a $0.75 investment in your future.

Expert-built portfolios, suggested for you

Acorns diversified portfolios are built by experts and include ETFs managed by pros at the world’s top investment firms like Vanguard and BlackRock.

Plus more ways to save, invest and learn

Along with your investment account, you get an easy, automated retirement account, banking that saves and invests for you, bonus investments when you shop with thousands of brands and unique ways to grow your knowledge.


Claim your $20 bonus investment

In under 3 minutes, start investing spare change, saving for retirement, earning more, spending smarter, and more.

Here's how

  1. Set up your Acorns account in under 3 minutes
  2. Set up Recurring Investments
  3. Make your first successful Recurring Investment (min $5) - get your $20 bonus within 10 days of following month
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